Every Child Has the Spark

Ignite is built upon the knowledge that each and every child has a spark of potential within.

Brunette woman high-fives a student in a light-filled classroom setting

Our outstanding clinicians are adept at recognizing this spark, cultivating it, and helping our clients brightly shine to their full capacity.

We have leaders in the areas of:

  • Developmental Based Applied Behavior Analysis

  • School-based Art Therapy Services in the Twin Cities only

  • Applied Educational Neuroscience

We pride ourselves on our ability to provide exceptional individualized intervention in partnership with children, families, schools, and communities.

Ignite was established in 2020 as an innovative children’s behavioral health program.

Our Values



We embrace every child's unique opportunities and challenges and commit to giving each child what they need to find their purpose and fulfill their potential.



We provide authentic interventions where our children and families live and grow. Ignite services come to our families; we do not ask families to come to us. We focus on rural and urban communities, where essential services are challenging to find and access.



Ignite's team of providers works to improve continuously. We try new things, rigorously evaluate our efforts, learn from colleagues, families, and our exceptional partnerships. We pursue strong connections with our families and communities because it builds trust, and trust sparks development.



Dr. Andy Paulson, Ph.D., L.P.

Andy Paulson, Ph.D., L.P.

Founder, Psychologist, and Teacher

As a seasoned entrepreneur, thought leader, consultant, and behavioral and developmental psychology expert, I have more than 30 years of experience and success in developing and delivering individualized interventions for children with autism and helping families to excel and reach their full potential.

First and foremost, I am an educator with a deep and hard-earned understanding of the complexities of autism. I have a successful history of leveraging my understanding of autism to found, lead, and energize organizations driven to support children in realizing their potential.

Throughout my career, I have remained committed to all students in many roles, as a licensed Special Educator, a certified Social Studies Teacher, a School Psychologist, an Educational Grant Writer for Safe Schools, a Grant Writer for Early Head Start, founder of an autism and mental health services organization in Wisconsin, and an Executive Producer of Hip Hop music integrated into the lives of over 1,000,000 students in schools across the country.

Contact us today to see how we can tailor our services to meet the unique needs of your child or student.